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As fate would have it, a group of four individuals - one girl and three guys - find themselves stranded in the middle of nowhere after their driver loses control of the car and crashes on a deserted road. With no other options available, they have no choice but to embark on a treacherous journey through the eerie and dense woods in search of the nearest hostel for shelter. Little do they know that their already dire situation is about to take a terrifying turn. Unbeknownst to them, the woods harbors ancient zombies, awakened by a mysterious force. As they navigate through the darkness, the group must confront not only the relentless undead but also a massive figure donning a menacing hockey mask. This imposing creature, driven by a malevolent intent, lurks within the shadows, eager to prey upon any living soul that crosses its path. To further complicate matters, the group is accompanied by an unsettling doll with a peculiar appetite for popcorn. This mischievous little doll, demanding the salty snack incessantly, becomes an unwelcome and annoying presence amidst the already anxiety-ridden group. Against all odds, the group must summon their courage and wits, as they fight to survive the nightmarish journey to the Halloween Horror Hostel - a place that holds the promise of safety, but also untold horrors that await those who dare to step inside its doors. Will they be able to overcome the relentless zombies, the hockey-mask wearing giant, and the persistent demands of the popcorn-loving doll, or will they succumb to the menacing forces that lurk within the darkest corners of the hostel? Only time will tell in this spine-chilling tale of survival and terror.
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