
Based on the beloved Swedish novel and film, this gripping series revolves around the lives of Mark and his daughter Eleanor. Their lives took a dramatic turn a decade ago when Eleanor was transformed into a vampire. Mark (played by Demián Bichir) struggles to support Eleanor (portrayed by Madison Taylor Baez), who remains forever locked in at the age of 12, and can only venture out at night to satisfy her need for human blood. However, Let the Right One In goes beyond your expectations, delving into the depths of human frailty, resilience, and compassion. This emotionally-charged and terrifying tale challenges common genre tropes by presenting a naturalistic portrayal of its characters. With an exceptional cast including the Oscar-nominated Demián Bichir, Tony-winning Anika Noni Rose, Grace Gummer, Madison Taylor Baez, Kevin Carroll, Ian Foreman, and Jacob Buster, this series promises to captivate audiences. The talented Andrew Hinderaker, an award-winning playwright, writer, and producer known for his works like Away and PENNY DREADFUL, serves as both showrunner and executive producer. Joining him is the acclaimed director Seith Mann, known for his work on Homeland and Blindspotting. Prepare for an unforgettable series that explores the complexities of humanity, love, and the extraordinary bond between a father and his vampire daughter. Let the Right One In will premiere on October 7th, so mark your calendars and get ready to dive into this hauntingly beautiful world.



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