
The tale begins with a mysterious figure known only as Nemesis Knight, a masked vigilante with an immortal soul. Born in a time long forgotten, Nemesis Knight was cursed with eternal life after making a pact with a powerful entity in exchange for vengeance against those who wronged him. Armed with otherworldly powers and a dark past, Nemesis Knight prowls the shadows of the night, seeking out those who have escaped justice. Feared by both criminals and corrupt officials, he strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies with his relentless pursuit of retribution. As the legend of Nemesis Knight grows, so too does the mystery surrounding his true identity and the source of his immortality. Some say he is a fallen angel seeking redemption, while others believe him to be a cursed warrior doomed to walk the earth forever. But one thing is certain - wherever there is injustice, Nemesis Knight will be there, ready to mete out his own brand of justice and ensure that evil never prevails.
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